Erica Miller, PhD

Cofounder | Licensed Psychologist

ERICA MILLER, PhD. is a licensed psychologist who provides comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations as well as evidenced-based treatment for youth and young adults. She specializes in school refusal, anxiety, depression, learning, and developmental disabilities. Throughout her career, Dr. Miller has focused on helping youth and their families develop positive experiences with school and learning, and to advocate for students’ academic and socio-emotional needs. Having provided clinical care in schools and outpatient settings, she understands how to navigate the educational system in order for students to experience success and growth and to present findings so parents and teachers can truly understand a child’s behavior. 

Working with students who present with challenging school and learning behaviors, she is skilled at integrating practical and research-based recommendations to support students and families at home and in school. She brings a genuine sense of curiosity as well as an accessible and collaborative style to all of her interactions. In addition, Dr. Miller is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University where she supervises graduate students in School Psychology and teaches courses in psychological and reading assessment. Beyond her professional roles, Dr. Miller resides in Brooklyn with her spouse, newborn and lively toddler as they too navigate the challenges of COVID-19.